Morning Has Broken...


"Morning has broken",就像是清晨的陽光,一次次把我們從夢中喚醒。
Cat Stevens原唱,後來被多次改編並被收錄到許多專輯中。爾後多種翻唱版本一樣令人在平靜中溫暖流竄..那對美好一天又開始的讚美,傳達對世界、對生活的熱愛是正面與積極的..這就是音樂感動力量的美好傳達,讓人印象深刻的又一章...
Dana Winner、天籟聲音Angelis、卡拉及晨騎隨拍最新影音分享..SKLin

Cat Stevens - Morning has broken 1976

原唱影片來源.. YouTube -fritz51325 ..


Dana Winner _ Morning has broken 

原唱影片來源.. YouTube 가을나그네..

Morning Has Broken By Angelis

原唱影片來源.. YouTube -洪慧純huichun ..


Yusuf - Morning Has Broken (Karaoke)

原唱影片來源.. YouTube - KaraokeOnVEVO..


0190714 05:12-25 大漢溪右岸- 新店溪左岸晨光/SKLin

Morning Has Broken(破曉)
作詞/ 作曲:Lorenz, Gordon/Farjein Eleanor

Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing Praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

破曉時分,猶如早晨的首次降臨 山鳥啼唱,猶如鳥兒的首次清啼
讚美歌唱 讚美早晨 讚美他們在大地裡展現生機

Sweet the rain's new fall,sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden

Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

甘露初降,日照天際 猶如嫩綠草原的首次降露
讚美花園滋潤的愉悅 腳步挪移,自在飛躍

Mine is the sunlight Mine is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play
Praise with elation Praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

我擁有陽光 我擁有早晨 伊甸園誕生一道生命之光
喜悅地讚美 每早地讚美 上帝創造嶄新的一天